Percy Maimela

Percy Maimela

South African born contemporary artist.

Denzil's & Jo Art Gallery is proud to present the work of Percy Maimela, a self-taught artist hailing from the vibrant city of Johannesburg. Maimela's artistic journey is a testament to the transformative power of creativity and the profound impact it can have on individuals and communities.

Born in 1985 in Pretoria, Percy Maimela's artistic path began as a quiet pursuit, a personal expression that drew him in like a gravitational force. His upbringing in a small town called Winterveldt, not far from Pretoria, shaped his artistic perspective. In his youth, while others kicked soccer balls on dusty fields, Maimela found solace and inspiration in the act of drawing. It was in those early moments that he discovered his true calling and a means to explore concepts and ideas freely. The power of art as an escape and a means of self-discovery became evident.

The transition from art as a personal refuge to a full-time artistic career was not an easy one. Maimela's journey took a pivotal turn when he created a salt art piece paying tribute to the late Joe Mafela, a renowned South African actor, writer, producer, and director. This artwork, created in his spare time, unexpectedly went viral, catapulting him into the spotlight. It was this moment of recognition that compelled him to take the leap and resign from his job as a merchandiser to pursue art full-time.

Percy Maimela's artistic evolution has been marked by experimentation and a relentless pursuit of innovative techniques. He is widely recognized for his salt art, a medium that was initially transient but has since been transformed into a lasting form. Through extensive collaboration with experts and scientists, Maimela developed a method to preserve the integrity of his salt art, ensuring that his creations will endure for generations to come.

Maimela's artwork transcends the traditional boundaries of medium and style. He is known for his mesmerizing black and white portraits, intricately crafted from thousands of tiny white grains of salt. These portraits capture the essence of his subjects with a delicate precision that is both awe-inspiring and fragile. The fragility of his chosen medium mirrors the fleeting nature of life itself, inviting viewers to contemplate the transient beauty that surrounds us.

In addition to salt art, Maimela's repertoire extends to charcoal drawing and painting. His work often features subjects adorned with masks, a symbolic exploration of the multifaceted nature of human identity. These masks allude to the external influences and inherited legacies that shape us, inviting viewers to reflect on their cultural heritage and the responsibility we bear in preserving and improving it.

Maimela's art is socially conscious and firmly grounded in the current social environment and its challenges. It serves as a poignant reminder that we possess the power to inspire change. His work challenges us to recognize the information stored within our DNA and the external forces that have shaped our history long before our existence. It beckons us to honor our cultural legacies and to take proactive steps toward self-improvement.

In 2019, Percy Maimela received the Honorable Mention Award at the Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards, a testament to his growing influence in the art world. He also achieved the remarkable feat of becoming a Guinness World Record holder for creating the largest coffee grounds mosaic, an artwork that pays homage to South African DJ and musician, Black Coffee.

As Maimela continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, he embraces the responsibility of leaving a legacy for future generations. His art breathes life into every viewer, inviting them to connect with their inner selves and experience the world in a new light.

Denzil's & Jo Art Gallery is honored to showcase Percy Maimela's work, a testament to the enduring power of art to inspire change, evoke emotions, and connect individuals across time and space. We invite you to explore Maimela's creations and embark on a journey of self-discovery through his art.

For Percy Maimela, art is not merely a personal endeavor; it is a journey of self-discovery with the potential to inspire generations to come. He envisions a world where individuals are empowered to embrace their unique skills and talents, forging their own paths in life. His artistic pursuits are not solely about personal success; they are about leaving a lasting legacy that encourages others to chart their course and make a difference.